Walking for Your Heart
Walking for Cardio-your heart will love you, is easy on the hips and easy on the knees. It’s the best way to stay in great physical and mental shape as you age.
I walk almost every day, and I don’t take the winter months off, like some of my wimpy friends, … just kidding, … they’re not all wimps, only the wimpy ones are. Truth be told, there are times when I enjoy winter walking and hiking even more so than walking and hiking in the warmer months, no mosquitoes, and no, no-see-um black flies.
Walking up the Mountain
On the morning of January 28, 2021, I headed for the Coastal Mountains, to spend a few days in the land of ice and snow.
The moon would be full at 0916h, where I would be spending the night. The weather gods were forecasting clear skies, and I was eager to spend the night under the Full Wolf Moon.
The moon was waning by the time I made it to my campsite, but I was barely able to notice. I was well prepared for the cold, and Mother Nature did not disappoint. Walking up the mountain trails on a sunny winter day is refreshing, to say that least, but when the sun slips behind the mountain ridges, it gets cold fast.
It Gets Dark Early
It gets dark early in January, so I wanted to make camp by early afternoon. Sheltered from the wind, I would spend the night sleepy on the snow, and under the full moon. I set up camp and got my fire started early.
It was the Wolf Full Moon, and with my dinner ready for the grill, and a warm beverage in hand, I was eagerly awaiting the main attraction.
On this wintery evening, the skies were crystal clear, the moon had just broken over the mountain tops, and my fire was beginning its dance for the full moon. As I settled down into my folding chair, there was almost a foot of snow on the ground.
I could hear a pack of coyotes, yapping at the rising moon. I could not tell how many there were, but it sounded like a small pack of 3 or 4. Were they waiting to howl at the moon?
Waiting for the Moon

I had been walking all day in a foot snow, and by late afternoon, when I reached my camp, I was exhausted.
Staring into the dancing flames of my campfire, my thoughts were interrupted by the pack of coyotes. As is on cue, they began howling at the moon.
What was I thinking? What was I doing on a mountain, in a foot of snow, by a roaring fire, listening to a pack of coyotes howling at the moon?
I tell people that I walk for the exercise, but the truth is, that I walk these mountain trails for the peace and quiet. The occasional pack of coyotes that howl at the moon is an added bonus.
What are the Benefits of Walking for Cardio?
Regular Aerobic exercise will bring many benefits into your life.
It will,
- strengthen the muscles involved in respiration
- strengthen and enlarge the heart muscle to improve its pumping efficiency
- lower your resting heart rate
- improve your blood circulation
- reduce your blood pressure
- increase the number of red blood cells, and improve oxygen transport
- improve mental health
- reduce stress
- reduce depression
- lower the risk of diabetes
- lower and manage bodyweight
- and the list goes on …
Aerobics, by Kenneth H. Cooper, was my first introduction to the world of cardio and the strong heart and strong lungs revolution. Before Aerobics hit the market, most people exercised to build stronger muscles.
Aerobics quickly became the go-to way to exercise and cardio was introduced to the world.
All these benefits are free of charge when you Walk for Cardio!
The science behind this better blood circulation, and better oxygen transport throughout the body. This benefits your overall health and well being. It has been proven by numerous medical studies, that regular participation in cardiovascular exercise is an efficient method for building a strong heart and strong lungs.
Medical Studies, such as the Fox and Haskell formula and VO2 max , can explain this in better scientific detail.
You don’t need to be a scientist to notice the benefits of cardio exercise to your health and general well being.
How Does Walking Fit into this Picture?
Walking is one of the best cardio exercises. There is no complicated or expensive equipment needed, except good footwear and comfortable clothing. Walking is easily paired with all exciting and challenging outdoor activities.
I can understand spending 45 minutes on a stationary bike indoors, on an icy, windblown winter morning, or a morning swim at the local pool, but walking up a mountain to an emerald lake, and looking at the valley below, is a different kettle of fish.
Next time you feel a need to improve your cardio, lose a few pounds, or get into better shape, consider walking as an option. Walking fits well with backpacking, camping, fishing, hunting, and photography.
More Thoughts on Walking

Walking is like a good cup of coffee in the morning. I don’t need a good reason to enjoy the aromas or the scenery. As I age, I become more ruthless with my efforts to simplify my life.
I like to keep things simple, and despite all the hustle and bustle, walking is an activity that I continue to nurture and cherish.
Simple and Safe
Its simplicity and its abundance of health benefits have proven their worth, time and again. An hour of walking goes by quickly on a sunny day. It is not as exhaustive as other cardio exercises, more appropriate for the younger set.
I read all the comments I receive from walkers and adventurers. Regardless of whether you walk for health or adventure, we share the same thoughts.
Walking is the best exercise for the heart.
There are just too many health benefits of walking. These range from physical to mental wellness. With walking you can never go wrong. I like it when you say walking is like a goo cup of coffee in the morning. It is so refreshing and very much needed on a daily basis.
I took a conscious health decision to start taking afternoon walks about 8 months ago. I am telling you I never looked back. When curfews came (because of the Covid-19 pandemic), I decide to take the morning walks, and I am telling you they are much more refreshing. I have lost so much weight, my body and my mind are all happy.
Thank you for a wonderful post. I am also inspired to start walking for adventure.
Good Day, Boi.
It sure looks like we’re not the only ones walking. I believe that this pandemic has had a positive effect on people taking much better care of their health.
I walk almost every day, and the early mornings were usually quiet and peaceful. These days, I’m more often walking in heavy traffic, regardless of the time of day.
It’s nice to hear that you’ve stuck with your walking program for over 8 months. It sounds to me like your hooked for life. Walking is never a bad idea and its health benefits are obvious.
Thanks for visiting and reading my post.
I have really enjoyed your article on walking and the benefits of this simple, relaxing cardio exercise. I walk almost everyday and can say that it calms my mind and helps with depression and anxiety. Walking is my favorite exercise because it is so gentle on my body and joints just as you mentioned in your post. Sometimes I walk outside, sometimes I walk on my treadmill, depending on the weather outside. I live in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia and I just walk along the streets in my suburb 🙂 It is quiet and peaceful because it is on the outskirts of Melbourne. I started walking back in 2014 and have continued until this day!
Good Day, Irina.
I’ve just returned from my daily walk, and here I am talking to a fellow walker who needs no convincing on the physical and mental benefits of this popular exercise.
It’s simple, easy, and can be practiced anywhere. Your treadmill is a good addition for use when the weather gods are not cooperating.
Good habits are easier to maintain when they cause little damage. At my age, I leave the running and biking for the younger set. When I ran, I often got hurt, so I scrapped it and started walking. I rarely miss a day, and I have a stationary bike that I use for back-up.
I can’t remember the last time I used it. I prefer the fresh air and the freedom to walk wherever I want.
Walking to better health.